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Investor Relations

Investor Relations

Investor Relations

We are the largest lodging REIT in the world. Our goal is to generate best-in-class EBITDA growth to drive long-term risk-adjusted returns for our stockholders. We strive to create long-term stockholder value by acquiring, selling, renovating and developing luxury and upper upscale hotels, primarily in the United States.




Investment Grade

Lodging REIT



As of November 2, 2022

Minimum 15 minutes delayed. Source: LSEG

Credit Ratings  
Moody's Baa3
Fitch BBB-

A securities rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time. Credit ratings are subject to change depending on financial and other factors.

Contact Details

Corporate Headquarters

Host Hotels & Resorts
4747 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 1300
Bethesda, MD 20814
(240) 744-1000

Investor Relations

Jaime Marcus
SVP, Investor Relations
(240) 744-5117

Registrar and Transfer Agent

Phone: (781) 575-4320
Toll-free: (866) 367-6351
Mailing Information

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